CS 240 Programming Resources

CS 240 Utilities

Several C++ classes are provided to you for use in the programming projects. Documentation for these classes is provided at the following link.

CS 240 Utilities Documentation

You may also download a tar file containing the source code for the CS 240 utilities at the following link.

CS 240 Utilities tar File

C++ References

You will need access to reference documentation for the standard C++ libraries. Online C++ documentation may be found at the following links:



Visual C++ Reference
You might find Microsoft's Visual C++ documentation to be useful. In most cases the g++ libraries are the same or similar to those for Visual C++, so the Visual C++ reference documentation will usually provide the information that you need.

Standard Template Library (STL) Programmer's Guide


Valgrind Documentation


DDD Manual

GDB Reference Card


Make Reference Manual


g++ Reference Manual


Bash Reference Manual
Ken Rodham