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Implementing an Event Listener
As explained in Event and Listener Model, JavaServer Faces technology supports action events and value-change events.
Action events occur when the user activates a component that implements
. These events are represented by thejavax.faces.event.ActionEvent
class.Value-change events occur when the user changes the value of a
component or a component whose class extendsUIInput
. These events are represented by thejavax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent
class.One way to handle these events is to implement the appropriate listener classes. Listener classes that handle the action events in an application must implement
. Similarly, listeners that handle the value-change events must implementjavax.faces.event.ValueChangeListener
.This section explains how to implement the two listener classes.
If you need to handle events generated by custom components, you must implement an event handler and manually queue the event on the component as well as implement an event listener. See Handling Events for Custom Components for more information.
Note: You need not create an
to handle an event that results solely in navigating to a page and does not perform any other application-specific processing. See Writing a Method to Handle Navigation for information on how to manage page navigation.
Implementing Value-Change Listeners
implementation must include aprocessValueChange(ValueChangeEvent)
method. This method processes the specifiedValueChangeEvent
and is invoked by the JavaServer Faces implementation when theValueChangeEvent
occurs. TheValueChangeEvent
instance stores the old and the new values of the component that fired the event.The
listener implementation is registered on thename
component on thebookcashier.jsp
page. This listener stores into session scope the name the user entered in the text field corresponding to thename
component. When thebookreceipt.jsp
page is loaded, it displays the first name inside the message:
"Thank you, {0} for purchasing your books from us."
Here is part of the
listener implementation:... public class NameChanged extends Object implements ValueChangeListener { public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException { if (null != event.getNewValue()) { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(). getExternalContext().getSessionMap(). put("name", event.getNewValue()); } } }When the user enters the name in the text field, a
is generated, and theprocessValueChange(ValueChangeEvent)
method of thebookstore6/src/listeners/NameChanged
listener implementation is invoked. This method first gets the ID of the component that fired the event from theValueChangeEvent
object. Next, it puts the value, along with an attribute name, into the session map of theFacesContext
.Registering a ValueChangeListener on a Component explains how to register this listener onto a component.
Implementing Action Listeners
implementation must include aprocessAction(ActionEvent)
processes the specifiedActionEvent
and is invoked by the JavaServer Faces implementation when theActionEvent
occurs.The Duke's Bookstore application does not use any
implementations. Instead, it uses method-binding expressions withactionListener
attributes to refer to backing bean methods that handle events. This section explains how to turn one of these methods into anActionListener
page allows the user to select a locale for the application by clicking on one of a set of hyperlinks. When the user clicks one of the hyperlinks, anActionEvent
is generated, and thechooseLocaleFromLink(ActionEvent)
method ofbookstore6/src/backing/LocaleBean
is invoked. Instead of implementing a bean method to handle this event, you can create a listener implementation to handle it. To do this, you do the following:The listener implementation would look something like this:
... public class LocaleChangeListener extends Object implements ActionListener { private Map locales = null; public LocaleChangeListener() { locales = new HashMap(); locales.put("NAmerica", new Locale("en", "US")); locales.put("SAmerica", new Locale("es", "MX")); locales.put("Germany", new Locale("de", "DE")); locales.put("France", new Locale("fr", "FR")); } public void processAction(ActionEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException { String current = event.getComponent().getId(); FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); context.getViewRoot().setLocale((Locale) locales.get(current)); } }Registering an ActionListener on a Component explains how to register this listener onto a component.
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