Computer Science 236

CS 236 TA Schedule

Slack Workspace

We use the Slack messaging app to connect students and TAs.
Please join the Slack workspace for the course at this link:
Slack Link

TA Email

You may also contact the TAs at this email address:

Help Queue

Please post a message in the #ta-help-queue channel on Slack when you want to get help from a TA. The next available TA will contact you with a direct message on Slack and provide assistance.

TA Office

The TAs are located in 1062 TMCB (in the basement).

Lab Sessions

TA-led lab sessions are available at the following times.

The session schedule is still tentative and changes to the schedule are possible.

TA Work Schedule

The TA work schedule is still tentative and changes to the schedule are likely.

The time a TA is able to spend with an individual student may be limited to 5 minutes. A student may have additional time with a TA after other students have had an opportunity for time with a TA. This policy is intended to give all students equal and fair access to the TAs.

TA Help Policy

If you would like to get help from the TA's, please read these policies to ensure the TAs can help everyone, and give you all the help you need.

Students Seeking TA Help Should First:

What to expect when getting help?