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Full Syntax
This section discusses the EJB QL syntax, as defined in the Enterprise JavaBeans specification. Much of the following material paraphrases or directly quotes the specification.
BNF Symbols
Table 29-1 describes the BNF symbols used in this chapter.
BNF Grammar of EJB QL
Here is the entire BNF diagram for EJB QL:
EJB QL ::= select_clause from_clause [where_clause] [orderby_clause] from_clause ::=FROM
identification_variable_declaration [, identification_variable_declaration]* identification_variable_declaration ::= collection_member_declaration | range_variable_declaration collection_member_declaration ::=IN
( collection_valued_path_expression) [AS
] identifier range_variable_declaration ::= abstract_schema_name [AS
] identifier cmp_path_expression ::= {identification_variable | single_valued_cmr_path_expression}.cmp_field single_valued_cmr_path_expression ::= identification_variable.[single_valued_cmr_field.]* single_valued_cmr_field single_valued_path_expression ::= cmp_path_expression | single_valued_cmr_path_expression collection_valued_path_expression ::= identification_variable.[single_valued_cmr_field.] *collection_valued_cmr_field select_clause ::=SELECT
] {select_expression |OBJECT
( identification_variable) } select_expression ::= single_valued_path_expression | aggregate_select_expression aggregate_select_expression ::= {AVG
] cmp_path_expression) |COUNT
] identification_variable | single_valued_cmr_path_expression) where_clause ::=WHERE
conditional_expression conditional_expression ::= conditional_term | conditional_expressionOR
conditional_term conditional_term ::= conditional_factor | conditional_termAND
conditional_factor conditional_factor ::= [NOT
] conditional_primary conditional_primary ::= simple_cond_expression | (conditional_expression) simple_cond_expression ::= comparison_expression | between_expression | like_expression | in_expression | null_comparison_expression | empty_collection_comparison_expression | collection_member_expression between_expression ::= arithmetic_expression [NOT
arithmetic_expression in_expression ::= cmp_path_expression [NOT
( {literal | input_parameter} [, { literal | input_parameter} ]*) like_expression ::= cmp_path_expression [NOT
pattern_value [ESCAPE
escape_character] null_comparison_expression ::= {single_valued_path_expression | input_parameter}IS
empty_collection_comparison_expression ::= collection_valued_path_expressionIS
collection_member_expression ::= {single_valued_cmr_path_expression | identification_variable | input_parameter} [NOT
] collection_valued_path_expression comparison_expression ::= string_value comparison_operator string_expression | boolean_value {= |<> } boolean_expression} | datetime_value comparison_operator datetime_expression | entity_bean_value {= |<> } entity_bean_expression | arithmetic_value comparison_operator arithmetic_expression arithmetic_value ::= cmp_path_expression | functions_returning_numerics comparison_operator ::= = |> |>= |< |<= |<> arithmetic_expression ::= arithmetic_term | arithmetic_expression {+ |- } arithmetic_term arithmetic_term ::= arithmetic_factor | arithmetic_term {* |/ } arithmetic_factor arithmetic_factor ::= [{+ |- }] arithmetic_primary arithmetic_primary ::= cmp_path_expression | literal | (arithmetic_expression) | input_parameter | functions_returning_numerics string_value ::= cmp_path_expression | functions_returning_strings string_expression ::= string_primary | input_parameter string_primary ::= cmp_path_expression | literal | (string_expression) | functions_returning_strings datetime_value ::= cmp_path_expression datetime_expression ::= datetime_value | input_parameter boolean_value ::= cmp_path_expression boolean_expression ::= cmp_path_expression | literal | input_parameter entity_bean_value ::= single_valued_cmr_path_expression | identification_variable entity_bean_expression ::= entity_bean_value | input_parameter functions_returning_strings ::=CONCAT
( string_expression, string_expression) |SUBSTRING
( string_expression, arithmetic_expression, arithmetic_expression) functions_returning_numerics ::=LENGTH
( string_expression) |LOCATE
( string_expression, string_expression [, arithmetic_expression]) |ABS
( arithmetic_expression) |SQRT
( arithmetic_expression) |MOD
( arithmetic_expression, arithmetic_expression) orderby_clause ::=ORDER
orderby_item [, orderby_item]* orderby_item ::= cmp_path_expression [ASC
]FROM Clause
clause defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables. Here is the syntax of theFROM
clause:from_clause ::=FROM
identification_variable_declaration [, identification_variable_declaration]* identification_variable_declaration ::= collection_member_declaration | range_variable_declaration collection_member_declaration ::=IN
(collection_valued_path_expression) [AS
] identifier range_variable_declaration ::= abstract_schema_name [AS
] identifierIdentifiers
An identifier is a sequence of one or more characters. The first character must be a valid first character (letter,
) in an identifier of the Java programming language (hereafter in this chapter called simply "Java"). Each subsequent character in the sequence must be a valid nonfirst character (letter, digit,$
) in a Java identifier. (For details, see the J2SE API documentation of theisJavaIdentifierStart
methods of theCharacter
class.) The question mark (?
) is a reserved character in EJB QL and cannot be used in an identifier. Unlike a Java variable, an EJB QL identifier is not case-sensitive.An identifier cannot be the same as an EJB QL keyword:
EJB QL keywords are also reserved words in SQL. In the future, the list of EJB QL keywords may expand to include other reserved SQL words. The Enterprise JavaBeans specification recommends that you not use other reserved SQL words for EJB QL identifiers.
Identification Variables
An identification variable is an identifier declared in the
clause. Although theSELECT
clauses can reference identification variables, they cannot declare them. All identification variables must be declared in theFROM
clause.Because an identification variable is an identifier, it has the same naming conventions and restrictions as an identifier. For example, an identification variable is not case-sensitive, and it cannot be the same as an EJB QL keyword. (See the preceding section for more naming rules.) Also, within a given EJB JAR file, an identifier name must not match the name of any entity bean or abstract schema.
clause can contain multiple declarations, separated by commas. A declaration can reference another identification variable that has been previously declared (to the left). In the followingFROM
clause, the variablet
references the previously declared variablep
:Even if an identification variable is not used in the
clause, its declaration can affect the results of the query. For an example, compare the next two queries. The following query returns all players, whether or not they belong to a team:In contrast, because the next query declares the
identification variable, it fetches all players that belong to a team:The following query returns the same results as the preceding query, but the
clause makes it easier to read:An identification variable always designates a reference to a single value whose type is that of the expression used in the declaration. There are two kinds of declarations: range variable and collection member.
Range Variable Declarations
To declare an identification variable as an abstract schema type, you specify a range variable declaration. In other words, an identification variable can range over the abstract schema type of an entity bean. In the following example, an identification variable named
represents the abstract schema namedPlayer
:A range variable declaration can include the optional
operator:In most cases, to obtain objects a query uses path expressions to navigate through the relationships. But for those objects that cannot be obtained by navigation, you can use a range variable declaration to designate a starting point (or root).
If the query compares multiple values of the same abstract schema type, then the
clause must declare multiple identification variables for the abstract schema:For a sample of such a query, see Example 9 .
Collection Member Declarations
In a one-to-many relationship, the multiple side consists of a collection of entity beans. An identification variable can represent a member of this collection. To access a collection member, the path expression in the variable's declaration navigates through the relationships in the abstract schema. (For more information on path expressions, see the following section.) Because a path expression can be based on another path expression, the navigation can traverse several relationships. See Example 6 .
A collection member declaration must include the
operator, but it can omit the optionalAS
operator.In the following example, the entity bean represented by the abstract schema named
has a relationship field calledteams
. The identification variable calledt
represents a single member of theteams
collection.Path Expressions
Path expressions are important constructs in the syntax of EJB QL, for several reasons. First, they define navigation paths through the relationships in the abstract schema. These path definitions affect both the scope and the results of a query. Second, they can appear in any of the three main clauses of an EJB QL query (
). Finally, although much of EJB QL is a subset of SQL, path expressions are extensions not found in SQL.Syntax
Here is the syntax for path expressions:
cmp_path_expression ::=
{identification_variable |
single_valued_cmr_path_expression ::=
single_valued_path_expression ::=
cmp_path_expression | single_valued_cmr_path_expression
collection_valued_path_expression ::=
*collection_valued_cmr_fieldIn the preceding diagram, the
element represents a persistent field, and thecmr_field
element designates a relationship field. The termsingle_valued
qualifies the relationship field as the single side of a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship; the termcollection_valued
designates it as the multiple (collection) side of a relationship. Thesingle_valued_cmr_path_expression
is the abstract schema type of the related entity bean.The period (.) in a path expression serves two functions. If a period precedes a persistent field, it is a delimiter between the field and the identification variable. If a period precedes a relationship field, it is a navigation operator.
In the following query, the
clause contains acmp_path_expression
. Thep
is an identification variable, andsalary
is a persistent field ofPlayer
clause of the next example also contains acmp_path_expression
. Thet
is an identification variable,league
is a single-valued relationship field, andsport
is a persistent field ofleague
.In the next query, the
clause contains acollection_valued_path_expression
. Thep
is an identification variable, andteams
designates a collection-valued relationship field.Expression Types
The type of an expression is the type of the object represented by the ending element, which can be one of the following:
For example, the type of the expression
because the terminating persistent field (salary
) is adouble
.In the expression
, the terminating element is a collection-valued relationship field (teams
). This expression's type is a collection of the abstract schema type namedTeam
. BecauseTeam
is the abstract schema name for theTeamBean
entity bean, this type maps to the bean's local interface,LocalTeam
. For more information on the type mapping of abstract schemas, see the section Return Types.Navigation
A path expression enables the query to navigate to related entity beans. The terminating elements of an expression determine whether navigation is allowed. If an expression contains a single-valued relationship field, the navigation can continue to an object that is related to the field. However, an expression cannot navigate beyond a persistent field or a collection-valued relationship field. For example, the expression
is illegal, becauseteams
is a collection-valued relationship field. To reach thesport
field, theFROM
clause could define an identification variable namedt
for theteams
field:WHERE Clause
clause specifies a conditional expression that limits the values returned by the query. The query returns all corresponding values in the data store for which the conditional expression isTRUE
. Although usually specified, theWHERE
clause is optional. If theWHERE
clause is omitted, then the query returns all values. The high-level syntax for theWHERE
clause follows:Literals
There are three kinds of literals: string, numeric, and Boolean.
String Literals
A string literal is enclosed in single quotes:
If a string literal contains a single quote, you indicate the quote by using two single quotes:
Like a Java
, a string literal in EJB QL uses the Unicode character encoding.Numeric Literals
There are two types of numeric literals: exact and approximate.
An exact numeric literal is a numeric value without a decimal point, such as 65, -233, and +12. Using the Java integer syntax, exact numeric literals support numbers in the range of a Java
.An approximate numeric literal is a numeric value in scientific notation, such as 57., -85.7, and +2.1. Using the syntax of the Java floating-point literal, approximate numeric literals support numbers in the range of a Java
.Boolean Literals
A Boolean literal is either
. These keywords are not case-sensitive.Input Parameters
An input parameter is designated by a question mark (
) followed by an integer. For example, the first input parameter is?1
, the second is?2
, and so forth.The following rules apply to input parameters:
- They can be used only in a
clause.- Their use is restricted to a single-valued path expression within a conditional expression.
- They must be numbered, starting with the integer 1.
- The number of input parameters in the
clause must not exceed the number of input parameters in the corresponding finder or select method.- The type of an input parameter in the
clause must match the type of the corresponding argument in the finder or select method.Conditional Expressions
clause consists of a conditional expression, which is evaluated from left to right within a precedence level. You can change the order of evaluation by using parentheses.Here is the syntax of a conditional expression:
conditional_expression ::= conditional_term | conditional_expressionOR
conditional_term conditional_term ::= conditional_factor | conditional_termAND
conditional_factor conditional_factor ::= [NOT
] conditional_primary conditional_primary ::= simple_cond_expression | (conditional_expression) simple_cond_expression ::= comparison_expression | between_expression | like_expression | in_expression | null_comparison_expression | empty_collection_comparison_expression | collection_member_expressionOperators and Their Precedence
Table 29-2 lists the EJB QL operators in order of decreasing precedence.
BETWEEN Expressions
expression determines whether an arithmetic expression falls within a range of values. The syntax of theBETWEEN
expression follows:between_expression ::= arithmetic_expression [NOT
arithmetic_expressionThese two expressions are equivalent:
The following two expressions are also equivalent:
If an arithmetic expression has a
value, then the value of theBETWEEN
expression is unknown.IN Expressions
expression determines whether or not a string belongs to a set of string literals. Here is the syntax of theIN
expression:in_expression ::= cmp_path_expression [NOT
( {literal | input_parameter} [, { literal | input_parameter} ]*)The path expression must have a string or numeric value. If the path expression has a
value, then the value of theIN
expression is unknown.In the following example, if the country is
the expression isTRUE
. If the country isPeru
it isFALSE
.LIKE Expressions
expression determines whether a wildcard pattern matches a string. Here is the syntax:The path expression must have a string or numeric value. If this value is
, then the value of theLIKE
expression is unknown. The pattern value is a string literal that can contain wildcard characters. The underscore (_) wildcard character represents any single character. The percent (%
) wildcard character represents zero or more characters. TheESCAPE
clause specifies an escape character for the wildcard characters in the pattern value. Table 29-3 shows some sampleLIKE
NULL Comparison Expressions
comparison expression tests whether a single-valued path expression or an input parameter has aNULL
value. Usually, theNULL
comparison expression is used to test whether or not a single-valued relationship has been set. Here is the syntax of aNULL
comparison expression:Empty Collection Comparison Expressions
An empty collection comparison expression tests whether a collection-valued path expression has no elements. In other words, it tests whether or not a collection-valued relationship has been set. Here is the syntax:
If the collection-valued path expression is
, then the empty collection comparison expression has aNULL
value.Collection Member Expressions
The collection member expression determines whether a value is a member of a collection. The value and the collection members must have the same type. The expression syntax follows:
collection_member_expression ::= {single_valued_cmr_path_expression | identification_variable | input_parameter} [NOT
] collection_valued_path_expressionIf either the collection-valued or single-valued path expression is unknown, then the collection member expression is unknown. If the collection-valued path expression designates an empty collection, then the collection member expression is
.Functional Expressions
EJB QL includes several string and arithmetic functions, which are listed in the following tables. In Table 29-4, the
arguments are of typeint
. They designate positions in theString
argument. The first position in a string is designated by 1. In Table 29-5, thenumber
argument can be either anint
, afloat
, or adouble
Table 29-4 String Expressions Function Syntax Return TypeCONCAT(String, String)
LOCATE(String, String [, start])
SUBSTRING(String, start, length)
Table 29-5 Arithmetic Expressions Function Syntax Return TypeABS(number)
, ordouble
MOD(int, int)
NULL Values
If the target of a reference is not in the persistent store, then the target is
. For conditional expressions containingNULL
, EJB QL uses the semantics defined by SQL92. Briefly, these semantics are as follows:
- If a comparison or arithmetic operation has an unknown value, it yields a
value.- Two
values are not equal. Comparing twoNULL
values yields an unknown value.- The
test converts aNULL
persistent field or a single-valued relationship field toTRUE
test converts them toFALSE
.- Boolean operators and conditional tests use the three-valued logic defined by Table 29-6 and Table 29-7. (In these tables, T stands for
, F forFALSE
, and U for unknown.)Equality Semantics
In EJB QL, only values of the same type can be compared. However, this rule has one exception: Exact and approximate numeric values can be compared. In such a comparison, the required type conversion adheres to the rules of Java numeric promotion.
EJB QL treats compared values as if they were Java types and not as if they represented types in the underlying data store. For example, if a persistent field could be either an integer or a
, then it must be designated as anInteger
object and not as anint
primitive. This designation is required because a Java object can beNULL
but a primitive cannot.Two strings are equal only if they contain the same sequence of characters. Trailing blanks are significant; for example, the strings
and'abc '
are not equal.Two entity beans of the same abstract schema type are equal only if their primary keys have the same value. Table 29-8 shows the operator logic of a negation, and Table 29-9 shows the truth values of conditional tests.
Table 29-9 Conditional Test Conditional Test T F U ExpressionIS TRUE
T F F ExpressionIS FALSE
F T F Expression is unknown F F T
clause defines the types of the objects or values returned by the query. TheSELECT
clause has the following syntax:select_clause ::=SELECT
] {select_expression |OBJECT
( identification_variable) } select_expression ::= single_valued_path_expression | aggregate_select_expression aggregate_select_expression ::= {AVG
] cmp_path_expression) |COUNT
] identification_variable | single_valued_cmr_path_expression)Return Types
The return type defined by the
clause must match that of the finder or select method for which the query is defined.For finder method queries, the return type of the
clause is the abstract schema type of the entity bean that defines the finder method. This abstract schema type maps to either a remote or a local interface. If the bean's remote home interface defines the finder method, then the return type is the remote interface (or a collection of remote interfaces). Similarly, if the local home interface defines the finder method, the return type is the local interface (or a collection). For example, theLocalPlayerHome
interface of thePlayerBean
entity bean defines thefindall
method:The EJB QL query of the
method returns a collection ofLocalPlayer
interface types:For select method queries (except for aggregate function queries), the return type of the
clause can be one of the following:
- The abstract schema of the entity bean that contains the select method.
- The abstract schema of a related entity bean. (By default, each of these abstract schema types maps to the local interface of the entity bean. Although it is uncommon, in the deployment descriptor you can override the default mapping by specifying a remote interface.)
- A persistent field.
entity bean, for example, implements theejbSelectSports
method, which returns a collection ofString
objects forsport
. Thesport
is a persistent field of theLeagueBean
entity bean. See Example 11 .A
clause cannot specify a collection-valued expression. For example, theSELECT
is invalid becauseteams
is a collection. However, the clause in the following query is valid because thet
is a single element of theteams
collection:For select method queries with an aggregate function (
, orSUM
) in theSELECT
clause, the following rules apply:
- The select method must return a single object, primitive, or wrapper type that is compatible with the standard JDBC conversion mappings for the persistent field type.
- For the
, andSUM
functions, if the select method return type is an object and the function returns no values, then the select method returnsnull
. In this case, if the select method return type is a primitive, then the container throws theObjectNotFoundException
.- For the
function, the result of the select method must be an exact numeric type. If the function returns no values, the select method returns 0.DISTINCT and OBJECT Keywords
keyword eliminates duplicate return values. If the method of the query returns ajava.util.Collection
--which allows duplicates--then you must specify theDISTINCT
keyword to eliminate duplicates. However, if the method returns ajava.util.Set
keyword is redundant because ajava.util.Set
cannot contain duplicates.The
keyword must precede a stand-alone identification variable, but it must not precede a single-valued path expression. If an identification variable is part of a single-valued path expression, it is not stand-alone.Aggregate Functions
clause can contain an aggregate function with the following syntax:aggregate_select_expression ::= {AVG
] cmp_path_expression) |COUNT
] identification_variable | single_valued_cmr_path_expression)Except for the
function, the path expression argument for an aggregate function must terminate in a persistent field. For theCOUNT
function, the path expression argument can terminate in a persistent field, a relationship field, or an identification variable.The arguments of the
functions must be numeric. The arguments of theMAX
functions must be orderable: numeric, string, character, or date.If the argument is empty, the
function returns 0 and the other aggregate functions returnNULL
.If the
keyword is specified, duplicate values are eliminated before the aggregate function is applied.NULL
values are always eliminated before the function is applied, whether or not theDISTINCT
keyword is used.ORDER BY Clause
As its name suggests, the
clause orders the values or objects returned by the query. The syntax of the clause follows:orderby_clause ::=ORDER
orderby_item [, orderby_item]* orderby_item ::= cmp_path_expression [ASC
]If the
clause contains multipleorderby_item
elements, the left-to-right sequence of the elements determines the high-to-low precedence.The
keyword specifies ascending order (the default), and theDESC
keyword indicates descending order.If the
clause is used, then theSELECT
clause must be one of the following:If the
clause is an identification variable or asingle_valued_cmr_path_expression
, then theorderby_item
must be an orderable persistent field of the entity bean returned by theSELECT
clause. If theSELECT
clause is acmp_path_expression
, then thecmp_path_expression
and theorderby_item
must evaluate to the same persistent field of the same entity bean.
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