Publications (2015-Present)
Yiu-Kai Ng,
Matching Pre-Processed Database Records Using Natural
Language Queries on Advertisements. To appear in Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing, Springer, March, 2025.
Yiu-Kai Ng,
Personalized Book Recommendations for Adults Using Deep
Learning and Sophisticated Filtering Approaches. In
Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, November 29,
Nathaniel Benham, Siqi Gao, and Yiu-Kai Ng,
A Concise Multi-Document Extractive Summarization
Approach on Product Reviews. In Proceedings of the
23rd IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent
Technology (WI-IAT), IEEE, December 9-12, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand.
Megan Shellman, Kate Hill, and Yiu-Kai Ng,
A Robust Random Search Approach for Matching Formulas in
Math Information Retrieval Systems. In Proceedings of the
36th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
(ICTAI), IEEE, pp. 921-928, October 28-30, 2024, Washington D.C.
Angel Wheelwright and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Using FCOS and an Encoder-Decoder Model to Detect and Recognize Visual Mathematical Equations. In Proceedings of the
9th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing (ICMIP
2024), pp. 44-51, April 20-22, 2024, Osaka, Japan.
Matthew Moulton and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Boolean Interpretation, Matching, and Ranking of Natural
Language Queries in Product Selection Systems. Journal of Discover
Computing, Vol. 27, Number 2, pp. 1-20, Springer, April 2024.
Siqi Gao and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Recommending Answers to Math Questions Based on KL-Divergence and Approximate XML Tree Matching. In
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in
Information Retrieval within the Asia-Pacific Region (SIGIR-AP), pp. 21-31,
November 26-28, 2023, Beijing, China.
Yiu-Kai Ng,
Read to Grow: Exploring Metadata of Books to Make
Intriguing Book Recommendations for Teenage Readers. Knowledge and
Information Systems: An International Journal, Volume 65, Issue 11, pp.
4537-4562, Springer, November 2023.
Yiu-Kai Ng,
Easy to Find: A Natural Language Query
Processing System on Advertisements Using an Automatically Populated Database
. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web
Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), pp. 71-83, November 15 - 17,
2023, Rome, Italy.
Yiu-Kai Ng,
A Personalized Book Recommender System for Adults
Based on Deep Learning and Filtering. In Proceedings of the 15th
International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(KDIR), IC3K, pp. 248-256, November 13 - 15, 2023, Rome, Italy.
Joey Sherrill and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Promoting Reading Among Teens: Analyzing the
Emotional Preferences of Teenage Readers.
In Handbook on Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Applied Software
Engineering: VOL. 2: Smart Software Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems,
Chapter 7, pp. 105-126, Springer, January 2023.
Nathaniel Benham, Sophie Gao, and Yiu-Kai Ng,
A Hybrid Approach for Summarizing User
Reviews Based on KL-Divergence and Deep Learning (Best Student Paper
Award). In Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on
Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), pp. 325-333, October 31-November 2, 2022.
Matthew Moulton, Sophie Gao, and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Retrieving and Ranking Relevant Products from Boolean
Natural Language Queries. In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/WIC/ACM
International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology
(WI-IAT), pp. 303-308, Niagara Falls, Canada, November 17-20, 2022.
Sophie Gao and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Generating Extractive Sentiment Summaries for
Natural Language User Queries on Products. Journal of ACM Applied
Computing Review (ACR) , Volume 22, Issue 2, pp. 5-20, ACM, June 2022.
Matthew Moulton, Sophie Gao, and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Query-Relevant Sentiment Summarization
Based on Facet Identification and Sentence Clustering. In Proceedings
of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), pp.
704-712, April 25-29, 2022.
Sophie Gao and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Analyzing the Preferences and Personal Needs
of Teenage Readers to Make Book Recommendations. In Proceedings of
the International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent
Technology (IEEE/WIC/ACM WI-IAT), pp. 463-468, Melbourne, Australia,
December 14-17, 2021.
Megan Thornton, Sophie Gao, and Yiu-Kai Ng,
A Simple, Concise, Query-based Approach to
News Article Summarization Using Sentence Scoring.. In Proceedings of
the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
(ICTAI), pp. 951-958, November 1-3, 2021.
Eric Brewer and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Identifying Maturity Rating Levels of Online Books
. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (IEEE MIPR 2021), pp.
165-171, Tokyo, Japan, September 8-10, 2021.
Joseph Bills and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Looking for Jobs? Matching Adults with
Autism with Potential Employers for Job Opportunities. In
Proceedings of the 25th International Database Engineering & Applications
Symposium (IDEAS 2021), pp. 212-221, Montreal, Canada, July 14-16, 2021.
Yiu-Kai Ng,
Research Paper Recommendation Based on Content
Similarity, Peer Reviews, Authority, and Popularity. In Proceedings
of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
(ICTAI 2020), pp. 47-52, November 9-11, 2020.
Ashlee Milton, Levesson Batista, Garrett Allen, Sophie Gao, Yiu-Kai Ng, and
Maria Soledad Pera,
"Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover": Exploring Book
Traits Children Favor. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on
Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys), pp. 669-674, September 22-26, 2020.
Alisha Banskota and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Recommending Video Games to Adults with Autism
Spectrum Disorder for Social-Skill Enhancement. In Proceedings of
the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
(UMAP), pp. 14-22, July 14-17, Genoa, Italy, 2020.
- Yiu-Kai Ng,
Movie Recommendation Based on a Recurrent Neural
Network Model. In
Reuse in Intelligent Systems, Chapter 4, pp. 87-115, CRC Press,
July 2020.
- Yiu-Kai Ng,
CBRec: A Book Recommendation System for
Children Using the Matrix Factorization and Content-Based Filtering Approaches
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining,
Volume 16, Number 2, pp. 129-149, InderScience, February, 2020.
- Joseph Bills and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Recommending Therapeutic Games Targeted to
the Individual Needs of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
International Journal on Computer Sciences and Information Systems
(IJCSIS), Volume 14, Number 1, pp. 53-69, IADIS Press, December, 2019.
- Yiu-Kai Ng and Urim Jung,
Personalized Book Recommendation Based on a
Deep Learning Model and Metadata. In Proceedings of the 20th
International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2019),
pp. 162-178, Hong Kong, November 26-30, 2019.
- Eric Brewer and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Age-Suitability Prediction for Literature Using a
Recurrent Neural Network Model.
In Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IEEE ICTAI), pp. 1592-1596, Portland, Oregon, November 4-6,
- Joseph Bills and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Targeting Therapeutic Games to Adults
with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society (ITS 2019),
pp. 19-26, Hong Kong, February 8-10, 2019.
- Eric Brewer, Yiu-Kai Ng, and Alisha Banskota,
Personalized Scholarly Article Recommendations
Based on the Recurrent Neural Network and Probabilistic Models. In
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet Technologies &
Society (ITS 2019), pp. 11-18, Hong Kong, February 8-10, 2019.
- Andrew Luke, Joseph Johnson, and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Recommending Long-Tail Items Using Extended Tripartite Graphs. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Big Knowledge (IEEE ICBK 2018), pp. 123-130, Singapore, November 17-18,
- Yiu-Kai Ng and Maria Soledad Pera,
Recommending Social-Interactive Games for Adults
with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). In Proceedings of
the 12th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (ACM RecSys 2018), pp. 209-213,
Vancouver, Canada, October 2-7, 2018.
- Alisha Banskota and Yiu-Kai Ng,
A Graduate School Recommendation System Using
the Multi-Class Support Vector Machine and KNN Approaches. In
Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Conference on Information Reuse
and Integration for Data Science (IEEE IRI), pp. 277-284, Salt Lake City,
Utah, July 7-9, 2018.
- Jeffrey Lund and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Movie Recommendations Using the Deep Learning
Approach. In Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Conference
on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IEEE IRI), pp.
47-54, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 7-9, 2018.
- Maria Soledad Pera and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Recommending Books to be Exchanged Online in
the Absence of Wish Lists. Journal of the Association for Information
Science and Technology (JASIST), Volume 69, Issue 4, pp. 541-552, Wiley,
- Maria Soledad Pera and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Using Online Data Sources to Make Query Suggestions for
Children. Journal of Web Intelligence, Volume 15, Number 4,
pp. 303-323, IOS Press, 2017.
- Yiu-Kai Ng,
MovReC: A Personalized Movie Recommendation
System for Children Based on Online Movie Features. International
Journal of Web Intelligence Systems (IJWIS), Volumn 13, Number 4, pp.
445-470, Emerald, 2017.
- Yiu-Kai Ng and Meilan Jin,
Personalized Recipe Recommendations for Toddlers Based
on Nutrient Intake and Food Preferences. In Proceedings of
the 9th International ACM Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems
(MEDES'17), pp. 243-250, Bangkok, Thailand, November 7-10, 2017.
- Yiu-Kai Ng and Iris Seaman,
Personalized Table-Top Game Recommendations.
In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Tools
with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'17), pp. 396-403, Boston, Massachusetts,
November 6-8, 2017.
- Joseph Johnson and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Using Tripartite Graphs to Make Long Tail
Recommendations. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
on Information, Intelligence, Systems, and Applications (IISA 2017),
Larnaca, Cyprus, August 28-30, 2017.
- Yiu-Kai Ng and Jane Linn,
CrsRecs: A Personalized Course Recommendation System
for College Students . In Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems, and Applications
(IISA 2017), Larnaca, Cyprus, August 28-30, 2017.
- Joseph Johnson and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Enhancing Long Tail Item Recommendations Using
Tripartite Graphs and Markov Process. In Proceedings of 2017
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'17),
pp. 761-768, Leipzig, Germany, August 23-26, 2017.
- Alicia Wood and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Orthogonal Query Recommendations for Children.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information
Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (Show 2016/iiWAS 2016),
ACM, pp. 300-304, Singapore, November 28-30, 2016.
- Yiu-Kai Ng,
Recommending Books for Children Based on the
Collaborative and Content-Based Filtering Approaches. In Proceedings
of the 16th International Conference on Computational Science and Its
Applications (ICCSA 2016), LNCS 9789, pp. 302-317, Beijing, China,
July 4-7, 2016.
- Rani Qumsiyeh and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Searching Web Documents Using a Summarization
Approach. International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS)
, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 83-101, Emerald, April 2016.
- Joel Denning, Maria Soledad Pera, and Yiu-Kai Ng,
A Readability Level Prediction Tool
for K-12 Books. Journal of the Association for Information Science
and Technology (JASIST), Vol. 67, Issue 3, pp. 550-565, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., March 2016.
- Meher Shaikh, Maria Soledad Pera, and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Suggesting Simple and Comprehensive Queries
to Elementary-Grade Children. In Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM
Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'15), pp. 252-259, Singapore, December
6-9, 2015.
- Rani Qumsiyeh and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Web Search Using Summarization on Clustered Web
Documents Retrieved by User Queries. In Proceedings of the
IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'15), pp. 401-404,
Singapore, December 6-9, 2015.
- Maria Soledad Pera and Yiu-Kai Ng,
A Recommendation-Based Book-Exchange
System Without Using Wish Lists. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM
Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys 2015), Vienna, Austria,
September 16-20, 2015.
- Maria Soledad Pera and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Analyzing Book-Related Features to Recommend
Books for Emergent Readers. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference
on Hypertext and Social Media (ACM HT 2015), pp. 221-230, Cyprus, September
1-4, 2015.
- Rani Qumsiyeh and Yiu-Kai Ng,
Clustering Retrieved Web Documents to Speed Up Web
Search. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on
Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2015), pp. 472-488,
LNCS 9155, Banff, Canada, June 22-25, 2015.